Poll Tax Lower Ward, 1859

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Poll Tax Lower Ward, 1859




Tax records for the City of Charleston, South Carolina, from 1859 to 1875. Variety of city taxes in lower and upper wards, sales tax and real estate. Two volumes for 1862 and 1863 document the city's capitation tax which was levied on free people of color in the City of Charleston.


Cox, Danielle (digitization and transcription)


Copyright has not been assigned to the Charleston Library Society. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Special Collections Librarian. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Charleston Library Society as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the researcher.






Ms. 335, Charleston City Tax Records, 1859-1875.





Text Item Type Metadata


Poll Tax
Lower Wards

Book Barn

Manufactured by
Walter, Evans & Co.
Stationers and Printers,
No. 3 Broad Street
Charleston, S. C.
Names. Residence. Remarks.
W W.S.
H Sahuly
H. Steffens Pole tax
W. Sch for H. Steffens
[illegible] Steffens

Charleston, SC June 8 1890 F. Wang
Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
1 Abrahams T. H. 38 State Street Paid $100
2 Ackis Ths. L. 15 Vernon 〃 Paid $100
3 Addison C. P. 26 Marsh 〃 Paid $100
4 Agnew Ths. 7 Linguard 〃 Paid $100
5 Aimar Ths. 30 Archdale 〃 Paid $100
6 Albergothie Ths. W. 18 Middle 〃 $100
7 〃T. C. Franklin near Magazine $100
8 Albrecht Geo. King Street $100
9 Alsyna Maryane Pritchard 〃 $100
10 Allison Ths. 346 King 〃 $100
1 Almers L. F. 3 Coming 〃 $100
2 Andrews A. G. 27 Mazyck 〃 $100
3 Arnau J. Madison Cr. Middle + Calhoun $100
4 〃 M. M. P. 〃〃〃〃〃 $100
5 Armstrong John A. 40 Market 〃 $100
6 〃 Wm. 〃〃〃 $100
7 Arnold Ths. Pritchard 〃 $100
8 Aveilhe L. S. 59 Church 〃 $100
9 〃P. A. 〃〃〃 $100
20 〃 P. A. Jr. 〃〃〃 $100
1 Axon Josiah M. 17 Meeting $100
2 〃 Chas. H. 14 Savage $100
Axson Chas. H. 14 Savage $100
[illegible] $100
Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
Dear Sir
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
I promise to pay [illegible] or [illegible] one hundred doles
[illegible] cash on [illegible] on [illegible] doles
[illegible] May Lease

Charleston May 24 1870
Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
1 Inglesby Charles 4 Logan Street $1 〃
2 Jacobs 278 King 〃 1 〃
3 James H. G. Market 〃 1 〃
4 Jatzen W. F. 18 State 〃 1 〃
5 Johanne J. F. 1 Market 〃 1 〃
6 Jones J. Legare 10 Beaufain 1 〃
7 Jenkins John E 98 〃 1 〃
8 Johnson Holls D. Cn 〃& St. Philips 〃 1 〃
9 〃 James [unreadable] Elliott Street 1 〃
10〃John Calhoun 〃 1 〃
1 Jowitt William 115 King 〃 1 〃
2 〃T. C. 〃〃 1 〃
3 〃 John J. Market 〃 1 〃
4 〃T. C. 115 King 〃 1 〃
5 Judge Charles 32 Market 〃 1 〃
6 〃Peter 〃〃〃 1 〃
7 Justi W. 43 Queen 〃 1 〃
45 Queen
10 Inglesby Charleston 55 Market
Jacobs D. 111 King
James H. G. 151
Jatzen W. F.
Johanne J. Legare
Jones Johne
Jorkins Johnes E.

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
$6000. Chicago May 1 1870. Thirth Days after day I promise to pay James Raset on order Six hundred Dollars

$6000 Chicago May 22 1871 Thirth Days after day I promise to pay James Raset on order Six hundred Dollars


Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
1 Palmer B. W. 3 King Street $1 〃
2 〃 Wm. 17 State 〃 1 〃
3 〃John C. Wentworth & Pitt 1 〃
4 Parsons Henry H. 4 〃 St 1 〃
5 Patterson John 52 Meeting 〃 1 〃
6 Pearce John M. Dry Dock 1 〃
7 Perkins Wm. K 5 Law Place 1 〃
8 Perry Wm. 33 Broad St 1 〃
9 〃W H 〃 1 〃
10 Petit James Linguard 〃 1 〃
1 Peters H. T. 70 Queen 〃 1 〃
2 Phillips G. N. 91 Market 〃 1 〃
3 Pierce E. Williams Wharf 1 〃
4 Pooser W. H. 341 King St 1 〃
5 Pulnot C. N. Mazyck 〃 1 〃
6 〃 Joseph 〃〃 1 〃
7 Powers M. J Rutledge 〃 1 〃
8 〃Edward 18 Burns Lane 1 〃
9 Power Philip 20 Elliott St 1 〃
20 〃 Michael Cr. Rutledge & Broad 1 〃
1 Poyas John E. P.G. East Bay 〃 1 〃
2 Prior Eugene 41 George 〃 1 〃
3 〃 B. R. Queen 〃 1 〃
4 Pringle Jr. Robt (131) 9 King 〃 1 〃
5 Prunty Patrick Church 〃 1 〃
6 〃 Barnard 29 Mazyck 〃 1 〃

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
1 Vaas H. Ernst 201 King Street $1 〃
2 Van-Ness J.K. Pavilion Hestet 1 〃
3 Van-Sprecken F. 67 Market Street 1 〃
4 Vannoy J. A. Charleston Hotel 1 〃
5 Vierfelder S. 20 Qeen [sic] Street 1 〃
6 Vocelle A. A. 13 〃〃 1 〃
7 〃L. 11 〃〃 1 〃
8 Vogelsang G. Gadsden 〃 1 〃

Names. Residence. Remarks. Amount.
King St
Jan Meeting St
[unreadable] Calhoun St
Anson St
Benjamin McInnes Pinckney St
Benjamin McInnes Morris St.
John McPherson St Philip St
John McPherson Coming St Benjamin McInnes
Capna Chappane Ann St
Chappane & Haffron Aiken Park Benjamin McInnes
Robert Graham
R. Graham and Co Benjamin McInnes
Robert Graham Benjamin McInnes
Robert Robert Pr. W. S. Addison
Robert Graham W. S. Addison
W. S. Addison W. S. Addison
Wagner & Monister Charleston
W. C. Ben Columbia SC
S. A. and S. P. Co F.
Fourteen Dollars in Floraners Addison
full for Shoeless [unreadable]
Mules and [unreadable]


City of Charleston, SC, “Poll Tax Lower Ward, 1859,” Charleston Library Society Digital Collections, accessed September 9, 2024, https://charlestonlibrarysociety.omeka.net/items/show/1500.