2 Court House Square


Dublin Core


2 Court House Square


c. 1956-1957
11/21/2016 (date digital)


County Court House
Back of photograph: "(c) Henry P. Staats / Chas. County Court House / 2 Court House Sq." The Charleston County Courthouse found at 2 Courthouse Square or 84 Broad Street was originally constructed in 1753 and was the provincial courthouse for the capitol of the Carolina colony of Great Britain. The original building was burnt in 1788 and was rebuilt in 1792 this time as the county seat for the city of Charleston in the United States, Columbia by this time had been made the new capital city of the state following independence. The new building was built in a Neoclassical style designed by Judge William Drayton and James Hoban, who also designed the White House. The new courthouse was the home for the legal activity of the circuit, state and federal court as well the location for the sheriff's offices. On the third floor the building the Charleston Library Society and the Charleston Museum were housed for a time. Additional renovations were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As the renovations of those periods did not benefit the integrity of the building it was restored to its former 18th century glory after a restoration in recent decade. The courthouse is still the home of the county court and county government to this day. References: National Park Service. Charleston County Courthouse. Retrieved from: https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/charleston/ccc.htm
visible image 12 x 12 cm
Donated to CLS by Henry P. Staats.


Vories, Dylan (digital assistant)


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Hinson Audio/Visual Collection




Staats, Henry P., “2 Court House Square,” Charleston Library Society Digital Collections, accessed May 14, 2024, https://charlestonlibrarysociety.omeka.net/items/show/1178.