Back of photograph: "(c) Henry P. Staats / 16 Charlotte St." Poston: 16 Charlotte Street, or the Robert Martin house was constructed between 1834-35 by cotton trader Robert Martin during the antebellum period. The house set on a high brick basement…
Back of photograph: "(c) Henry P. Staats / 20 Charlotte St. / Chas. S.C." Poston: 20 Charlotte Street, or the Joseph Aiken house was built by Robert Martin in 1848 as a wedding gift for his daughter Ellen upon her marriage to Joseph Aiken, the son of…
Back of photograph: (c) Henry P. Staats / 20 & 16 Charlotte St." Street views of the homes built during the pre-Civil War period by cotton trader Robert Martin. Number 16 was built for himself, while number 20 was built for his daughter Ellen Martin…
Back of photograph: "(c) Henry P. Staats / Anson St. / Chas." The street was laid out between 1745-1746 as part of the suburb of Ansonbourough, when the photograph was taken 11-25 Anson Street were some of the few late nineteenth century housing…
Back of photograph: "(c) Henry P. Staats / 173 Rutledge Ave. / Chas." This photograph of the razed Charleston single home at 173 Rutledge Avenue shows the ornate woodwork of the interior doors and fireplace. The architrave sported engaged, fluted…